JavaScript Trivia

Welcome to JavaScript Trivia! Test your knowledge of this popular programming language by answering a few basic questions.

You will have 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. At the end, you will see how many questions you answered correctly, how many you answered incorrectly and how many you left unanswered...

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    1. Who is credited with having created JavaScript?
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • Brendan Eich
  • James Gosling
  • Ryan Gosling
    2. In what year was JavaScript created?
  • 1990
  • 1993
  • 1995
  • 1998
    3. Which corporation was responsible for introducing JavaScript to the world?
  • Apple
  • America Online (AOL)
  • AltaVista
  • Netscape
  • Microsoft
    4. Which is the correct abbreviation for describing standard "vanilla" JavaScript?
  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • VScript
  • JS
    5. Which of the following is a poplular JavaScript library?
  • Reaction
  • React
  • jsQuery
    6. Which of the following is a poplular JavaScript framework?
  • AngularJS
  • Mocha
  • Tinder.js
  • Vu.js
    7. How does JavaScript differ from most other programming languages?
  • It is executed
  • It is encoded
  • It is compiled
  • It is interpreted
    8. What has JavaScript traditionally been used for?
  • Performing numeric computations
  • Managing data stored in databases
  • Enabling interactive web pages and web applications
  • Developing desktop and server applications
    9. With the advent of Node.js, JavaScript can now be run outside of what?
  • A Server
  • Your Workplace
  • A Browser
    10. Google Chrome has this kind of JavaScript engine under its hood?
  • Turbo
  • Inline 4
  • V6
  • V8

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